Leo Club of SLIIT

Leo prospect member registration

Leo Club of SLIIT (SLIIT Leos) is one of the best clubs in Leo District 306 C1 Sri Lanka and Leo Multiple District 306, which titled “The Most Outstanding New University Leo Club of Sri Lanka, Leostic Year 2017/2018”. We have conducted various projects in the fields of health care, elders, children, disabled people, and education. In the year 2022 we achieved 1st Runner Up – “The Most Outstanding Leo Club the District 306 C1 , Leostic Year 2020/2021”.

For any issues and doubts please contact Leo Tharush Senasinghe 070 339 1747

Personal Details
Educational Details
Other Details

Membership in a Leo club is a privilege. You are about to enter a program that extends throughout the world. It began in 1967 as an official activity of Lions Clubs International. Leo goals include high moral standards, personal responsibility, an attitude of cheerfulness and understanding, and in addition, extending a helping hand to those in need. Now, in your own community and with your own acquaintances, an entire series of challenges await. You are not alone in your efforts. At all times, you can count on the encouragement and cooperation of your fellow Leo club members, officers, and the Leo club advisor. They will be happy to help you achieve the high goals which you have adopted.

As leo club prospect you must take on this solemn obligation...to abide by the constitution and bylaws of the club...to attend all meetings regularly...to support and further the interests of the club...in all its undertakings...and to contribute my fair share...towards the financial support of the club...I further declare that I will assist in maintaining...building...and strengthening the membership of the club...that I will help the club...by actively serving on committees and in other capacities ...where my efforts are needed...And finally...that I will develop in myself...those qualities...of cheerfulness, service and loyalty...which should characterize a Leo club member...at all times